Blog Photos 75

Why intuitive eating won’t work; From an Eating Therapist’s perspective

By Vanessa McLennan

Intuitive eating is hailed as the way to eat, the way to eat without having to worry about diets or…

Stop Eating Bread To Lose Weight

How to stop eating bread to lose weight

By Vanessa McLennan

You may be one of the many people who have been told by a health professional, that the answer to…

Berries Resist Diet

How to escape the diet cycle, even when you’ve put on weight

By Vanessa McLennan

It is so tempting to go on a diet, especially when we have put on weight. Though how can we…

Break free from diets with these five easy steps by Vanessa McLennon

Want to break free from diets and still lose weight?

Gain free access to my 5 easy steps which teach you how to lose weight and keep it off without dieting. Yes, that's actually possible!