How You Can Handle Weight Gain After Quarantine

How you can handle weight gain after quarantine

By Vanessa McLennan

We have been stuck in our second lockdown for a month now and for many people we have put on…

How To Stop Counting Calories And Still Lose Weight

How to stop counting calories and still lose weight

By Vanessa McLennan

Has counting calories taken over your life? Are you worried that if you stop counting calories how else are you…

5 Big Dieting Mistakes

5 Big dieting mistakes to avoid if you want to lose weight.

By Vanessa McLennan

Has your diet come to a complete halt? It could be because you are making these 5 big dieting mistakes.…

Lose Weight Fast With These 3 Mindset Tips

How to lose weight fast, with these three mindset tips

By Vanessa McLennan

Would you like to lose weight fast? Are you fed up with not getting anywhere with your weight loss? Well…

The Dark Side Of Weightloss

The Dark side of Weightloss

By Vanessa McLennan

The Dark side of weightloss, these are the parts about dieting that are not so good, the parts that pull…

Mind behind weightloss expert Vanessa McLennan is a binge eating therapist

Healing your inner child to lose weight permanently

By Vanessa McLennan

Who is your inner child When we are born, we are born this perfect little human being. We are loving,…

Binge eating disorder therapist Vanessa McLennan is the founder of mind behind weightloss programs

Stop dieting and start intuitive eating for Weight loss

By Vanessa McLennan

Intuitive eating for weight loss is simply eating what you want and when you want. Really? Is it really that…

Vanessa McLennan Mindset and Weightloss Expert

4 Ways to change bad eating habits for weight loss

By Vanessa McLennan

Diets do not work, well don’t work well in the long term. Why is that? Because many of them are…

Break free from diets with these five easy steps by Vanessa McLennon

Want to break free from diets and still lose weight?

Gain free access to my 5 easy steps which teach you how to lose weight and keep it off without dieting. Yes, that's actually possible!