A Unique healing your Inner Child Weightloss Success Program
A revolutionary approach to weight loss that requires no diets and actually works

Have you tried everything else and still can't shift the extra weight? Or you know what you 'should' be doing but just don't know why you still continue to eat the way you do? Then this program is for you.
When you can understand the deep-set cause of your eating, this allows you to be able to break free from your current bad habits once and for all. Your previous lack of success isn't about the diet, it has everything to do with the relationship you have with your inner child.

Finally reach your target weight and stay there

Feel confident and happy within yourself

Have the energy to play with your children
Go shopping and enjoy the experience
Intimacy is no longer with the lights out
How The Program Works
A six week one to one tailored programme

Week 1 - Discovery
Your eating habits and patterns that you want to stop.
The emotions that get in your way and you want to heal from.
Breathing techniques to help you calm, observe yourself and see yourself in a different persective.
Self hypnosis to learn to relax the body and mind

Week 2 -Introductions
Techniques to manage your eating habits
An introduction to your inner child.
Meeting your inner child through hypnosis
How to access your inner child inbetween sessions

Week 3 - Dialogue
Techniques to manage your emotions
How to manage your relationship with food
Opening up a dialogue with your inner child. Allowing whatever needs to come up to come up.
Discussing what you learnt from your inner child

Week 4- Managing
Finding the causes of your eating habits and working on those.
Furthering your dialogue with your inner child. Giving your child what they need.
Learning your outer child patterns and how this is sabotaging your success.

Week 5- The Adult self
Discussing further the causes of your eating habits and helping you to manage them.
Allowing your inner child to meet your adult self.
Techniques to re parent your inner child and when the adult can step in.
Re-parenting in the way that is best for you.

Week 6 - Self Love
Your healthy eating patterns and positive food choices.
Learning to give yourself empathy and compassion. This includes Self care and self forgivenes.
Practising responding to emotions with the adult self.
Learning to continue the relationship with the inner child after the programme.
Ready to get started on your journey to success?
This is a one to one programme, which is specifically tailored to your needs. Click the button to get started now.
This is what you will get
Working together for 6 weeks. This will be tailored to you and your unique situation. Below are some of what you can expect to achieve during our time together.

A greater understanding of your eating habits from your adult self perspective. This allows you to stop reacting to situations and stop turning to food for comfort.

Uncover the real triggers that are causing you to overeat and learn to manage them so you are able to react more positively.

Healing the hurts from your childhood, so you no longer respond to people as a child and the past no longer bothers you

Releasing the thoughts and emotions that are causing you to keep stuck in the diet merry-go-round. You then are able to make better food choices.

Techniques to re parent your inner child so you feel nurtured and loved. This allows you to stop using food as an emotional healer.

Steps to implement positive changes in your lifestyle that feel natural and are enjoyable
This Program Is For You If:

You've had enough of being on diet after diet and nothing working

You know there must be a reason deeper then the surface reasons for your eating habits and you are ready to explore them

You're ready to work on your childhood issues that you know are keeping you stuck
You're fed up with missing out on enjoying your life
You want to have a better grip on your emotions so you can stop turning to food for help
Ready to get started on your journey to success?
This is a one to one programme, which is specifically tailored to your needs. Click the button to get started now.

How is this program different?
"As a child, we implement coping mechanisms that enable us to survive and often succeed in our younger years. However, as an adult, often these learned behaviours are no longer supportive for us.
Because these 'bad habits' are so ingrained in our behaviours it is often difficult to even become aware of them, let alone change them, on your own.
This is where my experience as a trained therapist can support you to get to the root cause of what's stopping you. Provide you with a safe and grounded process whilst minimising any unnecessary emotional overwhelm.
I've helped hundreds of women just like you who to finally reach their goal weight simply by working on it from a completely different angle. I know I can help you too."
-Vanessa McLennan
Emotional Eating & Weightloss Specialist
Results my clients have experienced

I came to see Vanessa because I could not stop eating. I could not say no to food and had put on a lot of weight. She helped to undo all of the negative thoughts I had around food and myself and I have been able to now stop overeating.

I lost my job a while back and since then I have eaten and not stopped. I needed to get me back as I'd got lost and was hating how much weight I had put on. Vanessa helped me to deal with my new situation and we worked on my emotions so I was able to stop turning to food to help me deal with it all. I'm glad to say I have lost the weight I wanted.

"I have always been big since my childhood and experienced bullying. I always used to eat lots, it was my way of escaping. I'd had enough one day when I realised my health was at serious risk. It was time to do something. Vanessa made the process of healing a very comfortable one. She really helped me through some painful memories and I now have a different relationship with food.

I used to be a picker, I'd continually snack on totally the wrong foods and of course once I started I couldn't stop. I did the healing the inner child and I loved it. It gave me such a feeling of love for myself, one that I never had. It's weird but the picking stopped. I'm really pleased.
Ready to get started on your journey to success?
This is a one to one programme, which is specifically tailored to your needs. Click the button to get started now.

Hi, I'm Vanessa McLennan and I help you with your eating problems. Binge eating, disordered eating and weightloss
I have helped thousands of people to break free from Binge Eating and disordered eating by working on the real cause of their eating issues.
You're here because you have tried all the diets and quick fixes.
You've had thoughts of drastic measures such as gastric surgery to help you stop.
You've told yourself a million times that you will stop, but you can't.
You've felt all the feelings of disappointment, anger and frustration at yourself for not being able to stop
No amount of dieting, berating yourself, punishing yourself, or depriving yourself will help you to stop and that is because you are expecting the symptoms to change but not finding out and then working on the cause.
Together we work on your eating issue and we work to find out the root causes of them.
We discover and work on the emotions, thought patterns and behaviours that are keeping you stuck.
I use a range of techniques including counselling, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping). I mostly work in what is known as a humanistic way. This takes the approach of valuing and working with you as a whole person, not just trying to fix the symptoms.
I am not here to fix you, rather I help you to explore your issues, feelings, beliefs, behaviours and thought patterns so you gain autonomy over yourself and can heal your unwanted eating patterns.
You are the expert on you, I help you to access those inner resources to heal your binge eating.
"When you change the inner you, the outer you changes easily. "
I love helping people form a new relationship with food and themselves. One where they are in control and there is a lot more peace and acceptance.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the common questions that I get asked. If your question is not on here, feel free to message me with your question.
Have more questions? Feel free to get in touch or call on 07979 344820
Ready to get started on your journey to success?
This is a one to one programme, which is specifically tailored to your needs. Click the button to get started now.