Inner Child Work For Binge Eating 84

How inner child work heals your binge eating disorder

By Vanessa McLennan

Have you tried so many times to stop your Binge Eating? Each day you wake up and think, this is…

Binge Eating And Childhood Trauma01

How your childhood trauma could be causing your binge eating

By Vanessa McLennan

It is estimated that between 1.25 and 3.4 million people in the UK suffer with an eating disorders like Anorexia…

Four Signs Of Inner Child Wounds And How To Heal Them

4 signs of inner child wounds and how to heal them

By Vanessa McLennan

As we grow through life, we inevitably collect inner child wounds. Wounds that are hurts, upsets, inflictions and challenges that…

Childhood Trauma

Is My childhood making me overweight

By Vanessa McLennan

Are you overweight and wondering is it something to do with my childhood? So what is the connection between childhood…

Inner Child

Inner child work (5 small daily habits that you can do for the most amazing benefits)

By Vanessa McLennan

Have you heard of inner child work? Would you really like to move past all your unconscious blocks that are…

Child Behind Balloons Childhood Emotional Neglect

How to help your eating disorder by healing your childhood emotions

By Vanessa McLennan

So what has childhood emotional neglect got to do with your eating disorder? Well any abuse or trauma suffered in…

Mind behind weightloss expert Vanessa McLennan is a binge eating therapist

Healing your inner child to lose weight permanently

By Vanessa McLennan

Who is your inner child When we are born, we are born this perfect little human being. We are loving,…

Break free from diets with these five easy steps by Vanessa McLennon

Want to break free from diets and still lose weight?

Gain free access to my 5 easy steps which teach you how to lose weight and keep it off without dieting. Yes, that's actually possible!